Friday, 27 July 2012

Xyron Design Runner PC Link ( XDR PC Link )

**********************************************************Hello again, I am updating this blog now to advise you that Alex has told me today that he is completely out of stock of the PC Link units now. In his words; "For your information, we are now completely out of stock of the XDR PC Link. Instead we are focusing on getting the new and much better product released featuring full color among other things. More info soon." If I hear any other news I will let you know. Sorry for the bad news!! Regards Fiona ********************************************************* Hi Guys, I have been after a Xyron Design Runner PC Link (XDR PC Link) for quite a while now, but the web site for Print Dreams has not been working for quite some time now and it has not been possible to purchase one. A couple of months ago I was searching the internet and I came across a crafting community message board with someone's email address on which said that she had managed to get a hold of one. So I sent her an email with the hope that I would be able to contact someone that could help me make a purchase. After a few messages I was given a direct email address for someone who works for the company Print Dreams; his name is Alex Brenton, and after a month of emails I have finally received my PC Link and I have managed to have a play with it tonight. I can honestly say that it was well worth the wait and I can not wait to start crafting with it!! I can now use any font that is on my computer, in a variety of sizes, and I can write out whatever message that I require and then print it with my Design runner!!! It was money well spent and it was well worth hunting the internet to find a Print Dreams contact. It was a bit pricey but it was shipped form Sweden and I asked for an extra disc to come with it. The total cost came to £90 (that was for an extra blank disc as well) with shipping but I can honestly say that it was worth every penny. I always use my Design Runner in every project that I make but I felt really limited with the font discs that were available. I have almost every available font and picture disc that are available from Xyron but it does not look like any more will ever be released, which is a real shame. Getting the XDR PC Link will really open up my crafting ability and it will save me money in the long run on sentiment stamps. I am mega chuffed with my new purchase and I thought that I would write a blog post that might help someone else with getting hold of one. Alex's email address is: I am not sure if he owns the company and it is only him that sends things out, but I had to wait until he was back from a trip to India until my PC Link was shipped to me. I had to send the payment through the HSBC bank. He was really helpful and he kept me informed throughout the whole process. He ended up being delayed in India by a week and as my shipment was delayed he sent me an extra blank disc as a thank you for my patients. I had already paid for an extra blank disc (it was an extra £10). Hopefully this blog post will help if anyone else wants to purchase one of these wonderful, clever little devices! Contact Alex Brenton at; Please let me know if this has been any help at all to anyone:-)